Is Pressure Washing good for concrete surfaces if you live in Bisley?   

Pressure Washing good for concrete surfaces

July 13, 2022

Cleaning concrete surfaces periodically is vital as it enhances their beauty and extends service life. Since pressure washing is one of the cleaning options, you may wonder, is pressure washing good for concrete surfaces if you live in Bisley? 

Yes. Pressure washing is one of the best cleaning options for your concrete surfaces if you live in Bisley. Pressure washing comes in handy for cleaning driveways, patios, sidewalks, and house sidings with stubborn stains and are very dirty. 

Most concrete surfaces in your home, especially the exterior surfaces, are grimy and covered in sand and dirt. The benefits of routine pressure washing your concrete surfaces are numerous as it increases the overall appeal of the property and impacts its value. Pressure washing is definitely an excellent way to maintain your concrete surfaces. However, it is important to be empowered with the proper knowledge concerning pressure washing your concrete surfaces. Read on to gain more insight on whether pressure cleaning is suitable for concrete surfaces if you live in Bisley and how to do it.

How to pressure wash your concrete surfaces

Pressure washing concrete surfaces such as driveways, patios, and walkways produces good results when done properly. It makes the surfaces look as good as new.

You can either hire a professional or do it yourself. If you decide to do it yourself, you will have to borrow, rent or buy a pressure washer.

If you will wash the surfaces once or twice a year, it is recommended that you either borrow or rent a pressure washer to avoid the regular maintenance and repair hassle that comes with owning the machine.

Adequate preparation is needed before embarking on the task. Here are some vital tips that will help you prepare for the task ahead;

  • Plan for not less than 2 to 4 hours for the task.
  • Wear the right gear (long pants, shoes, safety glasses, and gloves) to protect your body from the rocks or loose debris the high pressure from the machine might send flying towards you.
  • Apply an eco-friendly concrete cleaner or degreaser on the surface before pressure washing.
  • If the surface is inclined, start with the highest point.
  • The nozzle should be at least twelve inches from the surface to avoid damaging it.
  • Apply a steady and uniform sweeping motion when washing the surface.
  • Seal the surface after it dries (recommended).

It is also recommended that you hire the services of a professional to avoid injuries and damaging the concrete surface. A professional has the gear and knowledge to clean your surface without damaging it.

However, if you choose to pressure wash your concrete surfaces yourself, below are some points you should note.

Points to NoteExplanation
Have adequate water supply·         Your pressure washer will do its job effectively if there is sufficient water supply.
Use the right nozzle size·         While it is tempting to use a small nozzle, it could cause significant damage to your surface.

·         Sticking to a 25-degree nozzle when cleaning concrete is recommended.

·         If unsure about the nozzle to use, try the broadest size first and adjust downwards.

·         A smaller nozzle can be used when washing concrete surfaces when you are applying detergents.

Assess the area surrounding the concrete surfaces·         While the concrete surfaces can handle the pressure, what about the outdoor furniture, or the wood deck, or the windows close by?

·         Cover all the sensitive areas before pressure cleaning.

Back up·         Begin washing by standing approximately ten feet away from the area you are hitting with water.

·         Blasting from too close can cause damage to the surface.

Best pressure washer for cleaning your concrete surfaces

The following are the factors to consider when choosing the suitable pressure washer for cleaning your concrete surfaces;

  • The PSI pressure washer, you need to clean your concrete surfaces effectively

For appealing results, use a pressure washer with a pressure rating of not less than 3000 psi. You may need more pressure to remove stubborn stains from paint jobs or tire-skid marks. However, most professionals agree that a 3000 psi machine is the most effective when carrying out most cleaning tasks.

  • Nozzle type and flow rate

Flow rate determines your cleaning speed. You will require a higher flow rate when flushing heavy contaminants such as soil and small rocks. You should use a low flow rate when no heavy contaminants are involved.

When cleaning vertical concrete surfaces such as walls, you should apply lower flow rates because little pressure is needed to move the contaminants. Gravity will come into play when washing vertical surfaces.

A pressure washer with a flow rate of 5 to 6 gallons per minute is recommended for cleaning concrete surfaces.

The type of nozzle you use will determine your cleaning speed. You can either use a standard fan or rotary nozzle.

You can use the standard fan nozzle if you are not bothered by the cleaning speed. The standard fan nozzle working mechanism slows the water down, which, in turn, reduces the cleaning speed.

If you want to increase the cleaning speed, use a rotary nozzle. The rotary nozzle’s working mechanism ensures that water leaves the nozzle at high speeds, increasing the cleaning speed.


Pressure washing your concrete surfaces is okay if you live in Bisley. However, power cleaning your concrete surfaces by yourself can often result in accidental damage, either to yourself or the home. Therefore, if you do not trust your power washing abilities, it is best you consult professionals.


Can power washing damage my concrete surfaces?

Power washing can degrade your concrete surface if not done correctly.

How can pressure washing damage my concrete surfaces?

Power washing can damage your concrete surfaces if you use the wrong nozzle, if you do not have adequate training on how to handle the power washer, if you set the pressure too high, if you hold the pressure jet too close to the surface, and if you focus on one area for long periods.

When should I start to pressure wash my concrete surfaces?

Freshly poured concrete should not be pressure cleaned until it is cured completely. Pressure washing too soon can weaken the concrete bonds, so give your surfaces until about three years before using high pressure to clean them. Before then, you can use soft washing to maintain the concrete surfaces.


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